Roles and Responsibilities

Caption: care_leave"
Independent Reviewing Officer Hold review prior to agreeing a move to 'Other Arrangements' or where this is not possible visit and consult the young person prior to a move Prior to a placement being approved or made All cases


Social Worker or Leaving Care Personal Adviser

Referral for semi-independent placement


ASAP - forward planning regarding placement needs

All cases
Social worker to assess that the young person's needs are best met in 'Other Arrangements' ASAP

All cases

Risk assessment of the young person to be provided to the placement provider regarding risk to others and placement matching etc With all referrals

All cases

To ensure compliance with the frequency of visits and reviews

To liaise with provider staff

To ensure the young person has an up to date:

  • Pathway/Care Plan;
  • Placement Plan;
  • Personal Education Plan;
  • Health Plan.
See Care Planning, Placements and Case Review Guidance and Regulations 2010

All cases

To ensure all contact information and key contacts are available should a young person 'go missing' are set out in the Placement Plan At commencement of the placement

All cases

Brokerage Staff

Identify individual placements


All cases

Joint visits/inspections to all semi-independent providers and all separate accommodation provision with Commissioning staff

When placement being considered outside framework agreement


Risk Assessments

As required, all new placements outside framework agreement

As required

PNC Checks, LA Checks, DBS Checks

For accommodation provided by individual landlord

As required

To provide a named responsible authority contact for all accommodation providers and placements providers

At commencement of all placements

Renew as staff change

Children's Services Commissioning Staff

Initial approval of all semi-independent accommodation providers inline with the agreed AP1/ContrOCC Protocol and Verification Procedures.

When new provider accepted onto framework agreement, or when placement required outside of framework agreement

As required



Joint visits/inspections to all semi-independent providers and all separate provider accommodation provision with Brokerage staff

As required

All cases

Financial viability assessment

In all situations

Health and Community Services Commissioning Staff - (Accommodation Solutions)


Joint visits/inspections to all registered semi-independent providers (Registered Social Landlords) with Commissioning and Brokerage staff - RSL's receiving Accommodation Solutions funding


In all situations Yearly

Quality Assessment Framework - QAF - East Of England Monitoring Form


The use the QAF to assist with qualitative evaluation


As required


Responsible Authority Nominated Officer

Signing-off of all complex risk assessments, DBS Check 'traces' which require risk assessments

In all situations

All cases

Any accommodation or placement that involves an immediate response and is outside the HCC framework agreement

In all situations

All cases

Awareness of any 'notifiable' and/or serious event

In all situations

All cases
Provider Organisation


To ensure compliance with all aspects of the 'Other Arrangements' framework At all times At all times

Develop Policy Framework - Particularly:

  • 'Missing' Policy developed and complied with;
  • Development and compliance with 'Notification' Policy.

When first placed on HCC framework agreement, or when a placement is provided outside of the framework agreement

All providers

To contribute to, and provide services as set out in the young person's:

  • Pathway/Care Plan;
  • Placement Plan;
  • Personal Education Plan;
  • Health Plan.



To provide up-dates and summary reports to the young person's social worker/personal adviser

As set out in the individual placement agreement
